How To Make Gold in WoW

Friday, March 26, 2010

Gold Addicts Guide

Gold Addicts Course- 30,000 gold in 2 days!

Hey There

There's a new Gold guide just out today!

Yes another one LOL

I mean how many guides do you need right?

Well I actually think you can't have enough!

WoW progresses rapidly and so do gold making opportunities and techniques

There are so many different ways to make gold that you could get lost

And no one gold guide has them all!

I love learning new tricks and spend far too much time on them

Let's face it gold is one of the most important things in WOW

Anyway this one's a bit different and it is made for time poor players

There's heaps more to it but there is one simple, repeatable trick you can use to make heaps of gold on your terms and whenever you want

Watch this video NOW - 6,000g by doing only 1 hour of work!

When you click on the link above you will have the chance for a sample chapter

"How To Make an Easy 18,000 Gold while leveling any toon from 1 to 80"

I'll tell you more about the features soon but check out the video and grab some tips for nix!

You'd be cray-z to miss them :)