How To Make Gold in WoW

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dugi's Guide Competition Video

Loremaster & Dungeon Guide

What's your favourite Zone?

Dugi is hosting a contest where you can get
up to 5 in-game pets and a lifetime account
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favourite questing Zone for WoW, that it!

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Dugi has a long history of releasing awesome
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Make 60 Gold in 7.5mins

20K Leveling Guide

Hey guys and girls, today I want to show you how I went from 1 to 60 gold in 7.5 minutes without any addons and without my toon leaving a major city. This is exactly the kind of out of the box thinking you'll find in my WoW Gold Guide, except that I'll show you how to use addons to accomplish these tasks. That way, you could do exactly what I did in this video but in less than half the time! What's more, you'll be able to invest far more money into far more items and make exponentially more money over time.

This is but one strategy I use to make gold in the WoW Gold Guide and I'm constantly adding to it every time I figure out something new. Yesterday I updated chapter 12 with an additional video guide on ore crusher, the addon everyone is going crazy about who has a jewelcrafter and possibly an enchanter and alchemist. It instantly shows you whether you can make money prospecting and then either disenchanting rings or transmuting gems. You'll know right away how many gems you should get as well as what to do with them to make the most gold possible.

If you are looking for a quality guide to enhance your experience playing our favorite game within a game (making gold) then you will want to go with the better guide out there, 20kleveling. There you'll find audio, video, concise walkthroughs and tutorials; basically everything you need to go from a zero to a hero on the auction house. You'll save more time, have more fun and most importantly... make more gold!

Join the 3,800 people who have purchased 20kleveling and start making some serious gold right now.

See you in the members area :-)
