How To Make Gold in WoW

Monday, June 20, 2011

Patch 4.2 Preparation

WoW PvE Guide

Patch 4.2 has been set for release on the 21st
of this month and last I heard, it will bring a TON of changes to
the game that’s captivated us for the past 6 years or more.

In a hurry? Check this out right now:

==> PvE Formula

How do you guys feel about the latest Daily Quest hubs? I’m sure a
substantial amount of my readers will find the new daily quest
areas to be pretty darn exciting. Blizzard sure went all the way
with this one, giving you over 60 of them to choose from, offering
you as much questing variety as possible.

In addition, you will also get to unlock new vendors with awesome
new items to get your hands on. Apparently a lot of the quests are
loads of fun to play so I suggest you give it a chance and not
write them off as a ‘grind’ just yet.

Blizzard will also release the brand new Firelands raid featuring
seven epic new bosses and a whole new tier of gear. Based on the
feedback I’ve received from the lucky devils who had a chance to
try the new instance on PTR, it looks like you will be spending a
lot of time mastering the new raid encounters in the race to unlock
better gear (we’re talking Tier 12 baby!) and hopefully getting
first dibs on Dragonwrath, the new legendary staff.

What if I told you that it is perfectly possible to play just a
couple of hours a week a week and still produce the results you
want? With Firelands just around the corner, wouldn’t it be sweet
to get your hands on the awesome brand new loot that’s yours for
the taking by just tweaking how your approach to raiding with just
a few simple steps?

==> PvE Formula

For a lot of players, raiding is still a fairly foreign concept and
one that induces a lot of questions, which usually go something
like this:

What is the quickest, most efficient and fun way of getting my
character geared in the best epics from head to toe?

It could be..

How do I top the meters in my raid with my character class? I
really want to start pulling my weight and not let my teammates
down again.

Or it might be..

What are the best glyphs, enchants and gems that I should use to
eke out every last bit of DPS from my character?

.. .And so on.

If you've faced any of these hurdles (and trust me, you are not
alone in this department), I heartily recommend PvE Formula for the
solution to all your raiding and instancing troubles.

In the guide, Dylan starts by dispelling many of the fears that
many players face in 5 man dungeons and the more demanding 10-25
Man raids. The reality of it is that what used to be many hours of
played time to get a shot at nice gear is now a thing of the past,
especially if you know EXACTLY what you are doing.

To find out how to play the game more intelligently, quickly and
most important of all efficiently, you will need to go into a raid
knowing everything about the encounter and this guide will teach
you how to do just that.

You can check it out via this special link:

==> PvE Formula

It is all web based and very easy to navigate but most importantly,
all the content is informative, easy to read, up to date and very
helpful, with plenty of useful tips, strategies and advice.

PvE Formula Review

Friday, June 3, 2011

PvE Formula Review

With the release of the World of Warcraft Expansion: Cataclysm, both first time players and old school gamers are going to face totally new and dynamic challenges when playing WoW. Ever since the game launched in 2004, expansions have always been a difficult time, and this is exactly the case with this expansion as Blizzard will be introducing massive changes to the PvE landscape that we have known and grown to love. It is a well known fact that the raids in the current version are among the hardest encounters Blizzard has ever made.

This is precisely the issue PvE Formula will address, and upon closer inspection of this guide, you'll find that it is tailored specifically towards helping you understand and eventually plough through all the end-game content Cataclysm has to offer.

PvE Formula Review

Let's face the facts - whether you are a casual or hardcore player, getting ahead in this new environment will not be easy - anyone remember how insanely difficult it was back in the early days of The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King? Even if you plan to spend a lot of time playing, you'll soon realize that you will not be getting anywhere fast a proper strategy or the right team setup.

This is exactly what PvE Formula is going to address, and you will find that this PvE guide written by Dylan Trevor, an expert authority on all things PvE and raid leader of one of the best PvE Guild in the world, reveals the blueprint to total domination for practically every raid in the game, from Blackwing Depths all the way to Sinestra on Heroic Mode. Incredibly comprehensive and masterfully written, PvE Formula tackles every topic imaginable in its quest to get you to exactly where you want to be on the PvE front.

Among the chapters include the basic, yet vital, need-to-know stuff, such as the raiding fundamentals every raider should know, complete class guides, detailed and comprehensive walkthroughs for every instance in the game and so much more.

To wrap up our review of PvE Formula, it must be mentioned that this Guide is written to appeal to players of all skill levels, making it a wonderful change from other guides on the market that seem to be tailored solely for players who already have all the basics covered. With this guide, you will be able to learn a ton of tips and tricks that will help you cultivate the skills needed to become a top level raider and all-round player.

Learn More About PvE Formula Here

PvE Formula product bundle